Roman Numerals Conversion

Roman Numerals Conversion is tool for conversion Roman numbers to Arabic numbers and other way around. It also does checking, whether the Roman number is correct or not.

Type number to convert:

Use numbers from 1 to 3999 only!


Use only this set of characters:
I, V, X, L, C, D, M

Roman numerals are written as combinations of the seven letters in the table below. The concept of "Zero" did not exist in Europe for a long time; thus, there is no roman numeral symbol for "Zero". The lowest number you can create from Roman Numerals is number 1 = I. The biggest number is 3999 = MMMCMXCIX, because there is no letter for number 5000 and number 4000 would be created as M (letter for 1000) and the letter for 5000.

Arabic NumeralRoman Numeral
Roman Numerals Conversion, Copyright Š 2004 by Andrej Probst, All rights reserved.
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